All Posts by Shamba Onlus

“Welders” project

Here you can find welding projects of mr. Savio Elio: artifacts to improve daily life, designed and sometimes made in some their parts in Italy and then completed in Kenya and Tanzania with the help of young apprentices, who sometimes have already attended a training course. So welding works to

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Aggiornamento dicembre 2015

Nella pagina “Progetti” trovate la new entry “Microprogetti famigliari” e nella pagina “Collaboratori” qualche notizia sulla responsabile, sr. Luisella Benzoni.

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Project “School and well in Sudan”

We met Fr. Pietro Ferrari, a Comboni missionary, who attends many good activities in Sudan: agriculture projects, digging out of wells and support of refugees from conflict zones. In this last period he’s in charge of the building of a school in an isolated and dry area, where a lot of refugees

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Update november 2015

In these last months we worked on two small agriculture projects: a school kitchen (vegetable) garden and a school activity of chickens and rabbits keeping. The second one started in the public Primary School of MURANG’A COLLEGE PRIMARY SCHOOL, GAKUNU – KENOL, Kenya, where the one in charge of the project

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Aggiornamento progetti novembre 2015

Purtroppo per ora non è stato possibile realizzare il progetto iniziale di acquistare un appezzamento di terreno e darlo da lavorare ad un gruppo di persone senza altre fonti di reddito, con l’idea che queste si unissero in una cooperativa agricola che con il tempo avrebbe potuto rilevare il terreno

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Ease Your Way In To The Stock Market

Heads up, you know darned well that you have to do something with your money. Something besides enjoying your weekends and getting your hands on the latest electronic gadget. That something, as you have probably already figured out is about getting up close and personal with the world of investments.

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