Reusable pads for women and for environment – Kenya and Uganda 2021

In many countries girls suffer because of taboos about menstruation period, the ones of them who are in need don’t have the possibility to buy sanitary pads (because too expensive), so they skip school during their period and some of them are cheated by men too: they give them sanitary pads in exchange for intercourse. This phenomenon is highly risky for women’s health and safety.

So this project’s aims are:

  • Find out needy girls who have the possibility to wash properly reusable pads.
  • Sensitize and educate girls about the importance of their integrity not to be affected by AIDS, other sexual diseases and to avoid pregnancy.
  • Inform them about menstruation meaning in the women life, in order not to perceive it as a taboo.
  • Inform them about the correct use of reusable sanitary pads.
  • Empower them about environment responsibilities, making them consider that reusable pads have a low environmental impact.
  • Give kits of reusable pads to girls so trained about the issues above.
  • Ask the girls a feedback.
  • Decide together the next steps.

On 27th May 2021 we bought 100 reusable pads kits made by ugandan women at AFRIPADS Company in Kampala. We had many difficulties in picking them because of the long lockdown in the country.





  Finally pads arrived in Kenya from Uganda.

On 27th October 2021 first reusable pads kits were given to a group of needy girls of Kaloleni Primary school

On 3rd December 2021 teachers gave reusable pads kits to another group of needy girls of Kaloleni Secondary School (Kenya). First feedback is good.

On 16th February 2022 reusable pads arrived to a group of girls of

Najjeera High School, Kampala, Uganda. In the picture our association member and representative Dora is explaining them how to correctly use reusable pads.

Read the complete project

AFRIpads catalogue


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